
P.O. Box 301279 JFK International Airport Jamaica, NY 11430

  • We are on:

Service Above self

peace through service

Who we are

Improving people's lives, locally and globally through service.

Our members are comprised of men and women from local businesses, airlines, and other professionals who work within or near the JFK Airport community, the members share the common principle of "Service Above Self" which guide Rotarians throughout the world. The Rotary Club of JFK International Airport was chartered in December 1970. It has become one of JFK Airport's leading local service organizations.

Join us at our monthly meetings!

It's Finally Here!
Our Annual Fundraiser
JFK Runway 5k Run

May 17, 2025, Saturday

Visit our event's official website: JFKRunwayRun.org

As a supporter of QCP (Queens Centers for Progress), we attended their 29th Annual Evening of Fine Food event.
Dr. Sharon B. DeVivo, EdD. was the speaker and a wonderful time was had by all involved, including us JFK Rotary CLub.
We're looking foward to attending more of QCP's events!